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Category Archive : Albums I Missed

Albums I Missed (january 2021 – september 2021)

So this is kind of a new thing I’m trying here, basically how this is gonna work is I’m gonna select a few albums I feel like I wanted to give my opinions and brief thoughts out, but didn’t get the chance to make like a full blown review on, this segment also helps me focus on more important releases to give a proper and more quality review for, since I won’t have to be bothering with reviewing any of these records anymore. So here it is, the first official Album I Missed, and oh boy do we have a few of those.

Imagine Dragons – Mercury – Act 1

This new Imagine Dragons album… Well it’s not terrible (basically the biggest compliment I ever gave an Imagine Dragons project, so that’s gotta count for something). One song that stood out to me in particular was the opening song „My Life“, which is dare I say even a really good song, if we look past the really cheezy over the top vocal performance. The rest of the albums is kind of a rollercoaster in quality, but it all evens out at the end.

Light 5/10

KSI – All Over The Place

Yep, the title fits the album almost poetically. „Madness“ is a banger tho, no cap. Not bad for a youtuber album.

strong 5/10

The Gentle Men – The Evolution of Tears

Now THIS right here is what I call an youtuber album done right – Charlie and the gang pull through with some of the most exciting metal music I’ve heard all year, really brings that old school 2000’s nu-metal era style to new life. I still can’t feel my neck from headbanging so hard the first time I heard „Your Boyfriend Doesn’t Scare Me“ (also did I mention how hillarious this album is and NONE of it is cringe-enducing in the slightest?).

Light 7/10

Oliia Rodrigo – SOUR

Honestly I didn’t mind this, for sure it is predictable and yeah, it is pretty melodramatic, but for what it’s worth, this is a pretty solid break-up album, nothing more, nothing less. The lyrics are honest, broken and packed with emotion, it’s nothing revolutionary and yeah, it’s been done before, but so what, it still can be done right and I’d argue that this is one of those instances of a good break-up album. Also „good 4 u“ has been living in my head rent-free for like the last half a year or so and I ain’t even mad.

decent 6/10

The Killers – Pressure Machine

A pretty good concept album from The Killers in 2021, who would have guessed that. I was pretty pleasantly surprised by this one, it’s not the most memorable thing in the world, but as a whole cohesive expirience, this thing is a treat to the ears – the scenery is so vivid, the strings are lush and beautifully orchestrated, overall just a really up-lifting expirience, left it feeling like I was floating on a cloud.

Light 7/10


So originally I was gonna give this a full review, but I honestly don’t have that much to say about it – don’t get me wrong, it’s good, really good in fact, but it just kind of is what I expected it to be, a good ass pop rap album. Lil Nas X has really come into his own on this project and you just can’t help but to root for this man. Not every song here hits, but those that do, hit you like a damn truck. Also I think he might be gay lol, but maybe that’s just me.

Light 8/10

Gorillaz – Meanwhile EP

This EP sure does exist.

Light 5/10

Lana Del Rey – Chemtrails Over The Country Club

Not as breath-taking as Norman F***ing Rockwell, but still one of the better Lana albums for sure. Also I’m not crying, you are.

Decent 7/10

Hobo Johnson – The Revenge of Hobo Johnson

Hobo Johnson, are you well? Are you like feeling okay? Because no person in their right mind would ever release anything like this to the public… Stop it. Get Some Help (no like for real tho, talk to your therapist or something, I’m genuinely concerned with your mental well-being after hearing this garbage).

Decent 1/10

Hobo Johnson – Hobo Johnson Alienates his Fanbase

… just no


Spelling – The Turning Wheel

Now this is more like it! This album is just magic front to back – a serious album of the year contender for me right here. It really cannot be put into words what this album does to you… But numbers may do the trick:

Strong 8/10

Bo Burnham – Inside (The Songs)

Simply breath-taking, really helps if you’ve seen the movie too, but this soundtrack works as an album on it’s own too. I only wish Tik-Tok didn’t ruin some of the songs on here for me… Still a great album nonethentless.

Decent 8/10