Music Reviews

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Albums I Missed (february 2022 – may 2022)(Future, Harry Styles, Rammstein,…)

Albums I Missed (february 2022 – may 2022)(Future, Harry Styles, Rammstein,…)

Pusha T – It’s Almost Dry

This album may be almost dry but it certainly makes me very wet – wow, there probably isn’t a worse way to start this even if I tried… ANYWAYS yeah, this album’s pretty good. It’s basically on the same level as Daytona for me right now, still can’t decide which of the two I like better, but I have a feeling it just might be this one – definitely in my top 10 of the year so far, great stuff.

Strong 8/10

Three Days Grace – EXPLOSIONS

I mean for an album called EXPLOSIONS (IN ALL CAPS) this thing is one hell of a snooze fest. If it wasn’t for the fact I for some reason still follow this band on Spotify I wouldn’t even know it came out. Three Day Grace are back, more cheezier and cornier than ever and I mean honestly what did you expect me to say – they sound exactly the same as they did in 10 years back, they are just in a serious need of just some kind of evolution because I seriously don’t know how long they can keep this up. And that’s coming from someone who actually defended their last record which everyone hated.

Strong 3/10 (on like a good sunny day)

Red Hot Chilly Peppers – Unlimited Love

They are named RED HOT CHILLI PEPPERS and their music lacks any kind of spice to it, how do you even manage that. That’s like calling my band „the brutal goats killers“ and we would sing and preach about how we love goats. Anyways got a little side-tracked there – this album is still listenable you know, but compare it to let’s say „Blood Sugar Sex Magik“ and you’ll know what I mean. Stand-out tracks include „Poster Child“, „Aquatic Mouth Dance“ and definitely „White Braids & Pillow Chair“, but the rest of the album I could just take it or leave it.

Decent 6/10

Rammstein – ZEIT

The disappointment is real. This is like a sequel to Rosenrot – the album that the least amount of people wanted a sequel for. But as for Rosenrot I do have somewhat of a soft spot for this album – tracks like „Armee Der Tristen“ do legitimately go hard and „Lügen“ is not even joking one of Rammstein’s best songs in a darn while (than again it’s been a while since we got anything frkm Rammstein so). In conclusion the album has it’s moments but just suffers from a huge amount of forgettable choruses, redundant riffs and just an overall lack of idea. Really expected more.

Stark 5/10


Zzzzzzzzzzzzzz…. Huh, is it over yet? Yeah, this new Future is BORING god it just draaaaags on for soooo looong. If you HAVE to listen to something from here I’d say go check out „Puffin On Zootiez“ but go just save yourself the time and go listen to the new Pusha T album instead. Recommend only if you have trouble sleeping.

Light 5/10

Denzel Curry – Melt My Eyez See Your Future

First album I’ve heard from Denzel in full and MAN what an impression. Just go listen to „Walking“ you’ll see what I mean. This man can RAP.

Strong 8/10

Arcade Fire – WE

Another artist I am hearing for the first time in full right here and uhh… This definitely made an impression too? Yeah I mean I know I HEARD music, yet there is so little to it that I barely remember anything. It’s fine honestly, I just wish these songs had a bit more kick to them – this album is like 90% just stripped back piano/guitar ballads and it just doesn’t really amount to anything and the lyrical content isn’t really strong enough to carry the instrumentation on it’s back. But as I said, it’s fine. Definitely music – I think…

Light 7/10

Everything Everything – Raw Data Feel

Wow! This is… Honestly pretty good! Not ground-breaking or anything but I feel confident in saying that this is their best work since Get To Heaven. There I said it. Just a super enjoyable and MEMORABLE (see Arcade Fire? Take notes) pop rock album through and through. Some tracks land better than others but overall definitely a solid listen.

Strong 7/10 (*gives it the same score as Arcade Fire*)

Harry Styles – Harry’s House

Sigh… I’m probably gonna get cancelled for this by 14 year old white girls but this new Harry Styles is… It’s okay. It’s probably his worst work to date but it’s not like insufferable – all the songs just kind of blend together I don’t know, I didn’t pull much from it, which is a weird thing to say for a Harry Styles project, that’s like the one safe bet I have going into his albums but not this one. The exception being „As It Was“ but even that is starting to get overplayed a bit imo. Whatever, it’s still okay, don’t know what else to tell ya.

Decent 5/10

Soul Glo – Diaspora Problems

Punk rap?? It’s more likely than you think and it has never sounded better.

Light 9/10

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