Music Reviews

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Albums I Missed (august 2022 – october 2022)(Slipknot, The 1975, Arctic Monkeys,…)

Albums I Missed (august 2022 – october 2022)(Slipknot, The 1975, Arctic Monkeys,…)

I swear to god more album released in the last two months than the entire year before that. I’m obviously exaggerating a bit but still, there were quite a handful of releases that dropped in the last two months or so, so let’s go through some of them here shall we?

Slipknot – The End, So Far

Nah man, I’m sorry but this ain’t it chief. I actually enjoyed quite a good ammount of what was supposed to be Slipknot’s last album „We Are Not Your Kind“ which was an album that in my opinion was like the perfect send-off for the band, I mean in of itself it definetly had some flaws but overall it was a pretty satisfying listen but this? I mean I seriously don’t remember how a single song on here sounds with the exception of like „The Dying Song (Time To Sing)“ but that’s like the big hit from this album but even that song isn’t all that memorable. Honestly their weakest release in a while, I expected better.

Light 5/10

Architects – the classic symptomps of a broken spirit

The classic symptomps of a middle age crisis.

Light 4/10

Liturgy – As The Blood of God Bursts the Veins of Time (EP)

FINALLY some good-ass metal music. I mean it’s Liturgy, of course it’s gonna kick ass. This EP in particular consists of only 4 songs which all (with the exception of maybe the last one which you’re crazy if you think I’m gonna even try to type) absolutely rule, especially „696“ in my opinion, that one something about the melody just… Yeah it’s good. Go listen to it if you haven’t for some reason, it’ll only take you like 17 minutes but it will stick with you for waaay longer than that.

Light 8/10

The 1975 – Being Funny In A Foregin Language

I have a really on again off again relationship with this band… On one hand I think they’re super pretentious and at the end of the day just super mid, but on the other hand something just keeps me constantly coming back to their stuff, to the point where their album „A Brief Inquiry Into Online Relationships“ (yeah the titles are basically all like that) is like one of my all time favorites now. So yeah, this one naturally is like a 4/10 on the worst days and genuinely like a 8/10 on the best of them – so overall I’ll just put it somewhere in the middle. One thing I’ll say it’s definetly an improvement over their last album, it’s way less messy and all over the place and just more likeable I feel like.

Strong 6/10

bbno$ – bag or die

Wow, this really surprised me. bbno$ is super charismatic and confident here and the album is actually super well put together and produced, the songs for the majority of the album sound amazing. It’s clear that bbno$ is having just so much fun with this and I commend him for that. Best bbno$ release period and I will die on that hill.

Decent 7/10

Kid Cudi – Entergalactic

I was originally gonna write a full review for this one but it surprised me just how little I actually had to say about this. I mean this album’s sound pallete is just… Cardboard. It’s super bland and drab, I haven’t felt much of anything throughout the entire thing. Doesn’t mean it’s bad, just really boring. I’ll point out „Maybe So“ as the only song that really sticks out here though, that one is honestly gorgeous.

Decent 5/10

Behemoth – Opvs Contra Natvram

Wow a lot of metal dropped this past few months… It’s uhm okay?? I mean it’s a serious step-down from their previous efforts, but it’s passable – I’ll take it anyday over the Architects album, that’s for sure. It’s just crazy that these guys made fricking „The Satanist“ like one of the best metal records of the past decade and are now putting out just mediocre black metal.

Strong 5/10

Carly Rae Jepsen – The Loneliest Time

Wow really didn’t expect Carly to do a blackened death metal album and be more succesfull with it then Behemoth but I’ll take it!

Decent 7/10

Arctic Monkeys – The Car

Yeah so about this new Arctic Monkeys… I… Actually kinda like it! It wasn’t mindblowing or anything (I really wish all the songs didn’t sound the complete fricking same for example) but for the most part I think it evolved their sound and expanded on their last album pretty well! They just need to fire whoever named this thing, like seriously „The Car“? That’s the best you can come up with it? Anyways it’s solid.

Strong 6/10

Alright so that about wraps it up! Expect a full review for the new Taylor, Björk and Red Hot Chili Peppers soon and maybe a little something extra, who knows ;).

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