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Yeat – Lyfë mixtape review

Yeat – Lyfë mixtape review

This one’s a bit short but c’mon, it’s Yeat, cut me some slack.

So I guess let’s get right to it – the opener „Flawless“ right of the back tries to be this opening raging anthem that kinda works? However I just wasn’t as crazy about it as everyone else – when the song first hits it’s great but from there nor Lil Uzi Vert’s feature nor Yeat’s performance are really that captivating – and trust me I listened to the song soo many times, I really wanted to like it, seeing how everyone else is head over heels for it, but for some reason I just can’t get into this one that much. HOWEVER here on the second track „Up off X“ is where things were starting to click with me for some reason. The track has a numbing quality to it that I actually do enjoy. It doesn’t stand out at all actually but it’s a really strong vibe that really got me into that „Die Lit“ mood that actually REALLY enhanced my enjoyment of this project. From this track on even though the songs weren’t the most memorable I just couldn’t help but enjoy them nonetheless. I mean I felt good listening to it that’s what matters right? The next two songs „Out thë way“ and „Wat It Feel Lykë“ both carry out the vibe pretty well even though as I said they don’t really stick out in any way (except the synths on „Wat It Feel Lykë“ which are a nice touch) but they don’t need to – the vibe is there. „Can’t stop it“ is the first song that switches thing up a bit adding some guitar and actual live drums to the mix that make for an intresting change but I don’t think they bring enough for the change to be justified, if anything for me it kinda ruined the pacing a little bit. I appriciate the experimentation but it just doesn’t necessarily stick the landing on this one. Still a solid tune i guess. Another song that doesn’t bring quite enough for me is „Krank“ funily enough the next song after „Can’t stop it“. There just isn’t anything remotely intresting in this one which yeah there wasn’t much in the previous ones either but at least those had a pulse, this one is sort of dry you know. However the next song „Talk“ is probably the hardest song on this whole album so it’s kind of excused. This song is really good even outside of the mind-numbing context of this album, the melody is just that infexious. The last 4 song are all surprisingly decent. „Comë on“ sounds like something straight out of Whole Lotta Red, „Systëm“ has a simple beat that actually goes kind of hard, „Holy 1“ has one of my favorite tunes on the whole album (even though the Future influence here is really apparent) and „Killin ëm“ is a really nice closing track, these last 4 songs alone manage to make this album actually surprisingly cohesive.

So yeah, do I like this more over perhaps some of his earlier stuff? No, not necessarily, but it’s still an overall nice addition to his discography even though a bit forgetable one.

-favorite tracks: parts of Flawlëss, Up off X, Talk, Comë on, Systëm, Holy 1, Killin ëm

-least favorite tracks: Krank, Can’t stop it, Got it all (this one’s just forgetable)

Light 6/10

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