Music Reviews

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ECCO2K – PXE review

ECCO2K – PXE review

So I’m gonna keep this sweet and short, sort of like the EP itself. This little project from the phenomenon known as ECCO2K is definetly his most abstract and adventurous yet. Instead of his usual ambient production, ECCO2K uses more abrasive approach to things here with the usage of electric guitars, walls of insane synths and sounds and even dabbles into noise music on the last track here. It’s a really weird yet captivating mixture of sounds that definetly showcases ECCO2K’s, in my opinion, not fully realised potential.

The EP consists of 5 tracks, one weirder and more abstract then the other – first we have the opener PXE which is barely a song, just a mixture of random sounds and sound effects, a somewhat haunting mixture in that. The follow-up „In The Flesh“ is the most truly ECCO2K song on here, but even that uses some really tasteful electric guitars and a really creative 8-bit beat, when it all clashes together in the last leg of the track, it really comes full circle. The song „Jalouse“ goes further down the rabbit hole with more accoustic approach to things with noise freak outs placed throughout the track. „NO***’s Song“ is indeed a song, or at least I think it is – by this point in the album I forgot what actual music sounds like. Still, the song showcases more of the same insanity the first track presented with more rhyme and reason to it this time around. The closer „Big Air“, which is also the longest song on here (that doesn’t say much, considering it’s still just 3 minutes long) is a harsh noisy ballad with some really smooth almost magical electronic keys in the background – it helps to distract you from the fact that the rest of the instrumentation sounds like a tortured vaccum cleaner. Still probably my favorite song on here, if you can even call it that.

So uh, I have no idea what have I just listened to and neither do you, so don’t even pretend like you do. Still I found this to be a very exciting and for lack of a better word intresting project, definetly check it out if you haven’t already, I’m really hyped up to see this new sound fully realised on a new project from ECCO2K.

Light 7/10

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