Music Reviews

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Den: 9. 7. 2023


QUEEF JERKY - 20 (ft. hivemind riley & DJ Grant) [Official Music Video] -  YouTube

Really stupid but also kinda fun?

I mean it’s obvious that the members are just having fun with this one and I can’t hate on that too much. This album was my introduction to this musical project that is Queef Jerky consisting of members Dev Lemons, nickisnotgreen and for this album also Hivemind’s Riley. And it’s kinda exactly what you’d expect from these 3, just some goofballs having a blast with some really mixed musical results.

I’ll say one thing though, the openig track „20“ I actually unironically kinda enjoy – yeah it’s stupid but so is Die Lit and I love that album to death. The production sounds like if Death Grips met lofi hip-hop jazz beats and it’s honestly the highlight of not only this track but this entire album – the lyrics are really dumb though. The opening drums are absolutely unhinged and really caught me off guard the first time I heard them, they seriously slap. And the jazz out-of-nowhere switch is nice too, it’s really smooth and I don’t know, sue me but I just enjoy this one, it’s been on constant repeat for like the last week. Next up is the song „TAKE THE PILL, FAINT“ and this one features some glitched out instrumental with some samples, really all over the place trap beat and some HEAVY bass. The production on here is actually kinda insane here once again + the „I’m The Weeknd fan, I’m an ableist“ bar is unironically just so hard. This one is also just dumb fun at the end of the day but there is some seriously impressive production here aswell. „FARWARD“ is another one of my favorites, it has this realy sweet glitchy fast-paced beat + the autotune on this one at points REALLY comes through sounding absolutely heavenly. By this point on the album I realised that this album works best when you ignore the lyrics for the most part, because there are some legitemately strong songs burried underneath all the obnoxious bars – like the humor is definetly ment for a certain demographic but not every bar works. „LLC“ has some cool production moments once again, but this one is honestly just painfully unfunny and by this point on the album the lyrics really start getting to you. Far from the best on the album, also a strange choice for a single imo, overall an alright song. „THE MICHIGAN LEFT“, the next song, unfortunately continues in this really unintresting path the last song went for – I’m really getting tired of saying that but the production really carries this project, because besides that there really isn’t all that much of value. The hook is kinda bad but also kinda catchy? It’s alright overall. The second to last song „HURRICANE BLIZZARD“ is probably my least favorite here, even the production isn’t enough to save this one honestly. It just sort of comes and goes, the jumpy beat is just really corny as are the lyrics, on this song especially. Yeah this one really ain’t it tbh. And finally the last song „LEFT RIGHT CENTER“ has some really nice piano passages and some nice synth work aswell, like DJ Grant really killed production here. Kinda reminds me of the first song with how it constantly switches between some crazy passages here and there but always going back to that really smooth and chill centerpiece of the song. Better than the last few tracks.

And yeah, that was THE MICHIGAN LEFT by QUEEF JERKY – if this album shows anything it’s that these guys at least really care about how the song themselves sound even though the comedic qualities just aren’t always there, at least for me, comedy is subjective after all as is music. There are some really cool moments here, like I said especially the first song I just keep coming back to for some reason and honestly it’s a nice change of pace to listen to something more down to earth like this instead of the 2 hour long Swans record lol. But yeah, great potential, but a lot of room for improvement, especially in the comedy department for me.


-least favorite tracks: HURRICANE BLIZZARD, LLC, parts of THE MICHIGAN LEFT

Light 5/10