Music Reviews

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Den: 26. 4. 2023

MC Motyčka, MC Paralen, Young Chernobyl – Hejt na pikaře SONG REVIEW

The madman has done it again.

Now I know I’m a bit late on this one but ever since I found out about this man’s existence I just knew there was something to him – you see MC Motyčka is not your typical czech MC. No, on the contrary this man’s lyrical abilities and pen game put the rest of the czech rap game to shame. And this song in particular is the living embodiment of that – from the everchanging experimental beat to the quite profound lyrics, this song is simply put a gift that keeps on giving.

Jokes aside this song unironically goes through many intresting and musically challenging phases and whether you are a fan or not, you just gotta admit, it ain’t something you hear everyday (unless you are my classmate, in which case you hear it like 6 times a day minimum). To start off, the song opens up with this atmospheric intro that I just can’t help but love – it sets the tone of for the rest of the track immediately. Then ater a while these repeating synths start coming in and we have our first appearance from (what I’m assuming is) the man himself, MC Motyčka. The at this point iconic „Přišel jsem domů“ opening line repeated two times is definetly another highlight of the song – it lets the listener know that he has arrived home, so you know it’s about to go down. The suspense at this point of the song is almost crushing, you’re just sitting at the edge of your seat waiting for what’s he about to deliver next and oh boy deliver he does. The beat finally drops for the first time and MC Motyčka starts his verse – in this one he goes over many different topics and although this verse is very short-lived it leaves a huge impact on the listener – however before we can even possibly start to recover from this insane spitting that we have been just now subjected to we are met with another switch in the song that comes completely out of left-field yet fits perfectly right in – the beat starts building up once again before the iconic „ŠTYKY NA BEATU“ plays and the song completely let’s loose – the beat now includes these techno-esk drums that fit nicely in with the rest of the song and now it’s (once again what I’m assuming is) MC Paralen’s time to shine. And I have to say, these first 4 opening bars MC Paralen raps have to be some of the most exciting and memorable in the entire song, just take a look:

„píšu lines, je to prcačka,

jedu deep jako vrtačka,

zmrde sekám jak sekačka,

vytáhnu kvér, velký jak auto – ty řveš auto pálí“

The last part of this I can’t honestly completely make out exactly what is being said so I just gave it my best guess there, but you can clearly see that this man is just on another level. From there Paralen continues to give iconic line after iconic line (such as „já jsem repů editor, ty seš memů redditor“, another one of my favorites) before the we transitions into what I think is Young Chernobyl’s contribution to the song and this one might just even have a better opening than MC Paralen’s, just take a look for yourselves:

„seš slabej? čaj si dej,

nechceš blejt? čaj si dej,

nechceš čaj? tak si gej,

neser mě a čaj si dej“

Young Chernobyl’s passion for tee is almost physically visible through the way he delivers his opening verse and what a verse it is at that, rhyming „dej“ 3 times with itself is truly an amazing feat. From there Young Chernobyl completely snaps and lets out all his anger towards pikařs and delivers what’s easily the most agressive verse of the entire song – so agressive in fact that he starts choking and one of the two other MCs has to take over, this was truly Young Chernobyl’s peak in my eyes (and not just because this is the only known recorded verse of him ever).

The final leg of the song combines many of the production elements from before, now especially leaning towards the techno elements. The rest of the verses are also really good and wrap up many of the lyrical themes from before. Finally the song comes full circle as the trio gives one final laugh together and the song abruptly ends.

And there you have it – 4 years later this song is still a bop that never gets old. My only wish with this would probably for MC Motyčka to return – I know he has probably moved on from his short-lived yet fruitful musical career but the world NEEDS another MC Motyčka LP or at least another single like this. Anyways yeah, stream hejt na pikaře (this has not been sponsored in any way by the way, I just really enjoy the song and felt a little silly and goofy).