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Weezer – Van Weezer review

Weezer – Van Weezer review

Uhhhh, where do I even begin with this… This is a bigger disapointment the my non-existent son.

SO, after the absolute mind-shatter that was „Ok Human“ the band released earlier this year I had no reason not to be hyped for this thing – all the singles were very fun and very ligh-hearted, with some typical weezerisms. But Jesus H. Christ, this thing is so front-loaded it hurts – the quality after the fifth track just drops substantially, it’s almost like the band completely stopped trying after that point and are trying their very best to save it last minute with some hot guitar solos that just becomes super predictable and migraine-enducing after like the fifth time the band does that. Now taking this track by track is gonna be seperated in two segments – me being an absolute weezer stan and me being an absolute weezer hater. So let’s get the less fun one out of the way – the track „Hero“ is a great powerhouse of a track with some really heartfelt lyrics coming from River with power rock riffs and an explosive chorus, I seriously adore this track. „All the Good Ones“ is much more tamer in comparison, still in a similar vain – wasn’t crazy about it at first, but it grew on me a ton after repeated listens, the harmonizing on the chorus is one of the saving grazes here. „The End of Game“ sees the band doing an AC/DC worship with some pretty succesful results if I do say so myself – just the introductory tap solo is aboslutely mind-blowing. Really old-school Weezer vibes on the chorus. „I Need Some of That“ is nothing ground-breaking, but the chorus is soo damn catchy it should be ilegal, one of my favorites just for that sole reason. Now the last tolerable song on here is „Beginning of the End“, it really goes down-hill from here, which has a much more grungier approach and some insane musical passages in the second half. Now that we have that out of the way, let’s move to the awfulness – „Blue Dream“ is literally just a demo version of Ozzy Ozbourne’s and that’s not even a stretch, it’s literally just that, an objectively worse version of the song, this song is begging to be skipped everytime it comes on. „1 More Hit“ is… God, where do I even begin with this song – I get the sentiment of it, I get the message it’s trying to communicate and I like some of the riffs on the back end of it, but Jesus if the lyrics to this aren’t just unironically like some of the worst of the year, I get in tears everytime I have to crawl through this song though. „Sheila Can Do It“ is indeed a song, that very much does exist – that’s really about it, I actually just have nothing to say to this song, it’s just filler filler and more filler. Same story goes for „She Needs Me“, this thing is just so boring it hurts, so generic, unintresting and pointless through and through. Finally the song „Precious Metal Girl“ is um… Look, all I’m gonna say is just that I have heard better love songs from this band before, this ain’t it chief.

So there you have it, this thing is kind of a disapointment on all levels – I really wanted this to slap, but just some things are not meant to be… This just should have been good, I’m really tired after this.

Strong 4/10

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