Music Reviews

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Måneskin – Teatro d’ira review

Måneskin – Teatro d’ira review

Let’s just cut to the chase with this one, shall we – the Italian rock n roll stars Maneskin come with their first studio album „Teatro d’ira“ (thank god I don’t do audio reviews, beacuse I have genuinely no clue how to pronounce any of that) clocking at only 29 minutes, this album doesn’t mess around – it’s as direct and straight to the point as you’d expect an album like this to be. And for sure, the sound is a little generic at times, but if this album does one thing, it’s keeping the rock genre alive and well. This album alone also contributed a significant margin to the new wave of popular artist incorporating rock elements into their music and that’s honestly never a bad thing to have those in your music, it makes the music sound more lively.

Now this album only has 8 tracks, none of which are necesaarily bad, but I do believe some tracks turn out better then others. For example the opener „ZITTI E BUONI“ doesn’t mess around, instantly locking you in with it’s pounding guitars, that sound straight out of some western movie and an eargasmic chorus, that just won’t leave my head. The italian lyrics and accent throughout the majority of this album is also strangely addicting, it just sounds so good to the ears. The music is just filled with charisma and personality and I can’t get enough of it – this song is the perfect tone-setter for the rest of this album. „CORALINE“ is another banger tune, starting more low-key with some gentle guitar plucking and then the song breaks down into what I consider to be the emotional high-point of this record, the second half of this song really hits hard. Overall definetly one of the better cuts here, might actually be my favorite song of the whole album. The song „LIVIDI SUI GOMITI“ is an alright song, the guitars are nice and catchy, the rasp kind of growly vocals at times fit the song quite well and overall it keeps the theme of the album going. Then of course comes the smash hit „I WANNA BE YOUR SLAVE“ which isn’t anything groundbreaking, especially lyrically is where the track suffers the most, but I’d be lying if I said the song isn’t catchy as hell, it deserves all the attention it’s been getting. Then comes probably my least favorite song on here „IN NOME DEL PADRE“, not because it’s bad, but because it just is the most forgetable one on here, it doesn’t bring anything new to the table nad just overall could have easily been left on the chopping board – also the chorus is easily the weakest of all the songs here. Now the other english song on here „FOR YOUR LOVE“ picks the album right back on it’s feet, this song honestly should get more recognition then it does, the frontman’s voice just sounds so sensual and lustful, but also broken and desperate, it’s a blend that works surprisingly well. The last two songs „LA PAURA DEL BUIO“ and „VENT’ANNI“ in my opinion go hand in hand and work together as the perfect closer for this album, both are more low-key, gentle and touching and they are just a joy to listen to, especially the latter of the two.

So there you go, that’s Teatro d’ira (still don’t know how to pronoucne that), album that honestly while being pretty generic offers much more then it initially lets out, give this thing a few listens, it’s not for everyone, but you might be surprised what you find here.

Strong 7/10

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