Music Reviews

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Beach House – Once Twice Melody: Chapter 1 review

Beach House – Once Twice Melody: Chapter 1 review

…yeah it’s good, duh.

Honestly if we can expect these levels of quality for the rest of the 4 chapters, we’re in for an instant classic from Beach House. The EP is just 4 songs in total, but I honestly believe they really make the most of it. The record opens up with the instantly infectious and soothing title track „Once Twice Melody“ which is like a balsam for soul – the lush production that Beach House are known for is on full-display here, they also flex their ability of blending different instruments together effortlessly on this one. It all makes for a super nice and smooth opener. However I am of the opinnion that the next song „Superstar“ not only tops that, but also tops basically anything Beach House released in a while – that song is an instant earworm that just won’t leave your head at least for the rest of the day, I can promise you that. I strangely enough draw similaritites with this song’s melody and the melody on Ed Sheeran’s „Bad Habits“, it’s like if that song was actually well-written, had a good vocalist and overall was just a good listenable song. But man, as soon as that melody hits around the one minute mark, you transport into another dimension. Now the remaining two tracks „Pink Funeral“ and „Through Me“ are both also decent tracks, the first of the two having a really nice hypnotizing quality to it, with some lush ochestation and as I said hypnotizing drum loops, while the latter being a bit more spacious and ambitious, basically your typical Beach House song in a nutshell. It also incorporates effortlessly some nice electronic guitars that just help elevate the song to new heights, especially when combined with the haunting vocals in the second half of the song and then by the end when the hi-hats hit? It’s the whole package, honestly, this is how it’s done ladies and gentlemen.

So I don’t really have like a creative way to close this off, it’s just really good and makes me supper excited for the whole thing to be out. Also from this point onward I’m not gonna be covering any of the other chapters that come out, you will have to wait for a full review once this whole thing is out :).

Strong 8/10

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