Music Reviews

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bbno$ – my oh my review

bbno$ – my oh my review

Alright, so, right off the back, this guy was always really hit or miss with me and it will probably always remain this way – some of the teasers for this project however get me very intruiged in what was bbno$ up to this time, especially with the gorgeous single „Help Herself“ which still remains to be one of my favorite singles this year periodt. Still though, it’s clear that bbno$ is still in the phase of experimentation and is still trying what sound fits him the most, but I gotta say, he really hit the nail on the head this time. This 5-track EP has it’s shortcomings but when it really comes to it, this thing is just all killer no filler – front to back just 13 minutes of pure fun in musical form. The opener „sorry“ is one of those songs that may not grab your attention at first listen, but once it clicks, it just fricking clicks – the rush of dopamine I get from this song everytime I hear it is just unbelievable. The production is immaculate, the rapping is on point, for all my money (pun so much intended) it just works. The following title track „my oh my“ takes a much more mellow approach, it’s much more calm and tame in comparison, however the tune is certainly there, it’s still catchy as hell and overall keeps the momuntem going fairly enough to where it’s not out of place but still manages to smoothen things up, which works perfectly for the next cut, the remix of „help herself“ with none other then Benee and the chemistry here is unmatched, it goes without saying that Benee kills her verse here and her vocal contributions compliment the song quite well. Now the fourth track here is also probably the most underwhelming of the bunch – „bad to the bone“ is not a bad song as the title may suggested, it’s just really underwritten compared to the rest of these cuts – the beat switch is cool though and I like some of the melodies here, it just that the core melody isn’t enoug hto carry the song. Now last but not least we have the closer „help herself“ which I just can’t get enough of – this song is an aboslute joy to listen to. Bbno$’s vocals sound just so defeated and broken, I adore the melody here and the song just gets better the more you listen to it – this more indie approach is really what Bbno$ shines at the most.

Now while this little project does contain some fatal flaws, biggest one being that there is just zero ambition whatsoever, it still is a fulfilling and statysfying listen, really hyped for the whole studio album now.

Strong 6/10

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