Music Reviews

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Albums I Missed (september 2021 – december 2021)(JPEGMAFIA, Taylor Swift, Lovejoy,…)

Albums I Missed (september 2021 – december 2021)(JPEGMAFIA, Taylor Swift, Lovejoy,…)

Welcome to the second installment in the „Albums I Missed“ series, where I take a short look at some albums I didn’t manage to get a full review out on and give my brief thoughts out on. Turns out quite a few music has been released over the past few 4 months or so, so we got a few of them to cover. Now without further ado, let’s get started, shall we?

Magdalena Bay – Mercurial World

Now this… This does being a smile on my face.

Magdalena Bay? More like Magdalena BASED amirite? All jokes aside this project is a treat to the ears – basically everything I love about pop music is to be found in this project to some capacity. A must listen for anyone remotly intrested in pop music this year.

Decent 8/10

Ed Sheeran – = (equals)

Here is something that isn’t a treat to the ears, though my ears do need medical treament after listening to this firing pile of garbage. You couldn’t pay me to give this a full listen, I didn’t get through this whole project ONCE. That being side the opening track „Tides“ and „Visiting Hours“ are fine I guess, still not worth listening to the whole album though.

like a strong 3/10? Who cares tbh

Lovejoy – Pebble Brain

Wilbur and the gang have done it again – they released a slightly above the average project that still isn’t able to show off their whole potential. I’m sorry, this album is definetly a step up from the previous one, it shows that the band is capable off releasing longer projects and also is capable of some ambition on tracks like „The Fall“, but still, there is still so much left to be desired with this band.

Strong 7/10

Little Simz – Sometimes I Might Be Introvert

WOAH hold up there, you can’t just release one of the best rap albums of the year and possibly the decade just like „here you go guys, enjoy :)“. Well enjoy I sure did – this thing front to back is just spectacular. Also send this album to anyone who says that „women aren’t as competent rappers as men“, because this woman is better than 99% of the male rap game right now, on god.

Light 9/10, might grow on me over time even more though

Ice Nine Kills – The Silver Scream 2: Welcome to Horrorwood

Honestly, I can’t help myself, I’ve always been a sucker for this band and this project is in my humble opinion their best offering yet. Their album concepts are just super unique in my opinion and for the most part well executed too – basically taking different horrormovie/videogame franchises over the years and making them into songs. Sounds really edgy on paper, but trust me, the way they embrace it just makes it so much fun. So if you’re into metalcore with some slight edge to it, that doesn’t at any point become too cringy, then this might just be your thing.

„Hey Paul!“

Light 8/10, ratio me all you want

black midi – Cavalcade

So this one is TECHNICALLY from may, but f***k it, I make the rules here, I’m gonna review whatever I want.

I’ve been constantly postponing a review for this one, because for some reason, I was never in the mood to listen to it – well until I did this morning and holy moly, was I missing out. I really wanna scream at my half a year back self for not listening to this when it came out, because this is easily one of the most well crafted post-punk albums released this year and this year was especially generous on post-punk projects.

Strong 8/10, but it just gets better with every listen, so I imagine that will only improve


Damn Peggy! Really out-did yourself again huh, how do you do it? Anyways this new project over here really slaps, I mean it’s JPEGMAFIA, like I’m not gonna sit here and tell you it sucks, but I just wish that it hat that extra something to it, y’know? I wish there was like a director’s cut version off sorts that would include all the songs that didn’t make it to this version…


… well that was easy. Anyways yeah, this is clearly the superior version and the version that Peggy wanted to make – there was apparently some drama with the label and some samples on some of these songs and that’s why there are two version? I don’t know, anyways buy this s**t, it’s really good.

online version – Light 8

offline version – Strong 8

Taylor Swift – Red (Taylor’s Version)

So I guess I’m one of the few people who has actually heard this version BEFORE the original and I gotta say, for the most part, I was prety statisfied with what I was hearing – of course I then went back and checked the original version and found out that that version just has a special charm to it, that this album is for the most part missing – Taylor has definetly improved vocally over the years though, I’ll give her that. I would recommend checking out the 10 minute version of „All Too Well“ though, that has gotta be one of the best things Taylor has released PERIODT.

No rating, because it’s just a reissue of an already existing album that doesn’t really change that much from said original album – a pretty good album at that, if that helps you feel better.

2 Comments on "Albums I Missed (september 2021 – december 2021)(JPEGMAFIA, Taylor Swift, Lovejoy,…)"

    To put some actual comments here instead of crazy frog spam, cool list, i’d give that jpegmafia lp (offline) a 10, for me it was THE rap album of this year. Also calling black midi post punk should be punishable by firing squad

    I appriciate the feedback! – also yeah, I realized that basically right after I posted it lol, I don’t know what drove me to call it post punk, it’s a more of a jazzy progressive-rock, but black midi are kind of their own genre entity to be fair lmao. Also I totally see how this would be your rap album of the year, it’s definetly my favorite JPEGMAFIA project thus far, I just think that he can do even better than this – at least we are all in universal agreement that the offline version is infinitely superior lol.

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