Music Reviews

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Tame Impala – The Slow Rush review

Tame Impala – The Slow Rush review

Kevin Parker’s third studio album „Currents“ was what originally introduced me to the mastermind project that Tame Impala is – the production on there was very drugy, psychedelic and instant and conceptually it was really cohesive – what made me fall in love with Kevin’s music though, was it’s predecessor „Lonerism“. That album was just a pure psychedelic bliss, with some really relatable themes going on, talking about self-isolation and loneliness in general – it really is a one-of-a-kind listen.

So maybe it was because of my high expectations going into this record, but I’m kinda conflicted on this one – for once, the production doesn’t feel as instant and explosive as on Kevin’s previous efforts (with some exceptions, but I will get to that later) – it’s rather more low-key or dance-oriented, trying out different sounds and experimenting, so it just comes off as not that cohesive of a work. Though I will say, some of the band’s best material to date turn up on this album, such as on the song „Posthumous Forgivness“, where the experimentations really pays off – the wall of psychedelic synths comined with that heavy kick and compressed drums on the chorus sound like being transfered to another dimension. The lyrics on this one hit as hard as the sound of the song, if not harder, talking about the passing of Kevin’s father – the vocals feel tortured even through all the layers of effects on them. It just hits all the right notes for me. On other tracks, the experimentation doesn’t alwys work out so well – a greay example of that being „Tomorrow’s Dust“, which isn’t per say bad, but with those gentle guitar melodies, sharp drums and layers of compression, just end up being really boring – like, the song has no bussiness being 5 and a half minutes long. Some other dancier tracks turn up on here, such as „Borderline“ and „Breathe Deeper“, which both feature some really nice keys and melodies – the production is rich, the imagery painted is beautiful and it’s just a good vibe overall, with „Breathe Deeper“ also featuring some really catchy basslines and more intresting structure to it – it end up being one of my favorites on here. Then we have the two pre-released singles „It Might Be Time“ and „Lost In Yesterday“, both of which are great in their own categories – It Might Be Time is perhaps the most experimental song on this whole project, making it a questionable leading single, but c’mon, this thing is a banger. It has probably the rawest mixing on here and is somehow pretty intense, even though it doesn’t sound intense at all – it starts off really laid back actually and plays on that note for most of the song. Lost In Yesterday on the other hand is one of the more dancable track here, with it’s slick bassline, sharp drums and godly vocals from Kevin Parker – it’s just a nice laid-back Tame Impala song, what else is there to say. The song „Is It True“ is as direct as it gets on the album, being one of the only instantly-catchy songs on here, with some heavy synths and electric guitar melodies, that just won’t leave your head for days to come. The most intresting songs conceptually though, are the opening and the closing tracks „One More Year“ and „One More Hour“ and how tie into each other. The opener sets the mood for the album just right, being one of the more low-key cuts here, it leaves a lot of room for the story/message to get across. The conept is pretty simple, with the protagonist on the first track just wanting to enjoy his year and on the last track just reflecting on it within the last hour. Both songs play off of each other very nicely and really tie this otherwise unorganised and somewhat disoriented album together.

And with that the album concludes, finnishing as strongly is at started. Now does this feel like a little bit of a let down from Kevin’s previous work? Kinda, but more then that it jsut feels like another natural artistic progression his music goes through – and even though this one is probably my least favorite of thos progressions, I stile enjoyed it quite a bit and genuinely can’t wait to see where Parker decides to go from here – whatever it is, I’ll be there for it.

strong 7/10

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